Monday, July 9, 2012

Take Your Dancing To New Heights Through Better Breathing

When learning to dance, first we concentrate on learning patterns, hearing the beat and maintaining communication with our partner. However, after we become familiar with the patterns we want to dance, are able to dance on beat, and are comfortable leading and/or following your partner, the next steps to mastership are actually less mechanical in nature.

Advanced concepts in dancing has more to do with attunement and flow of energy. We need to get our body in a receptive mode and the way to do that is through proper breathing.

The importance of proper breathing is prevalent in any skill we want to develop, whether playing the piano, martial arts or dancing. It helps you to relax and perform at a higher level.

Developing good breathing habits will not only improve your dance skills, but it will give you more stamina and control in any activity you choose.

The first thing we can do to improve our breathing is to become more aware of it. Start concentrating on the depth and rhythm of your breathing without trying to change it. Then, slowly increase the range of your inhalation and exhalation.

Also, proper posture improves our breathing naturally. Keep your shoulders back and your head straight allowing the chest to open up and your rip cage to expand and contract freely.

Here are three simple exercises to help you increase the range of your breathing.

(Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before doing these or any other exercises)


Seat on a chair with your spine straight

  • Put one hand on your abdomen and another one on your chest
  • Start inhaling slowly and feel your abdomen fill and expand then fill and expand the chest
  • Start exhaling slowly allowing the chest to contract and then contract the abdomen

Do not over strain the breathing, allow it to grow naturally.


When going for a walk you can use each step as a count.

  • Inhale during a count of four steps
  • Hold during a count of eight
  • Exhale during a count of twelve

Maintaining the same ratio, you can increase or reduce your breathing range to suit your comfort zone. You can reduce the numbers to 2, 4, 8 or you could increase them to 6, 12, 18.


Lay on your back and do some belly breathing. Let the air go directly to your abdomen area and expand it during inhalation and contract it during exhalation

  • Inhale during a count of four
  • Hold for two
  • Exhale during a count of four
  • Hold for two

When going to bed this exercise will help you relax and fall seep quickly.

A common thing we see in dancing is people not able to dance through a song or two without getting out of breath. These exercises will help you overcome that problem and allow you to take your dancing to new heights with proper breathing. So, next time you dance don't forget to breathe.

Happy Dancing,

Blanche & Emilio Librero

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