Friday, July 13, 2012

How To Learn To Dance

There are a couple of ways to learn how to dance and before you start, it's important to learn about them.

The most obvious way to learn to dance, of course, is to go to a class.

This method of learning has both advantages and disadvantages that should be carefully examined.

There are some big advantages to going to a class. You will get direct feedback from an instructor as you are dancing so you can correct any mistakes you are making.

There is also the social aspect of going to a dance class - you can meet new people who have similar interests.

Of course, there are disadvantages to attending a dance class as well. Going to a dance class is the most expensive way to learn how to dance, and not everyone can afford to take a class.

It can also be difficult to find the time to attend a dance class. A busy work schedule can get in the way, as can a busy home life and social life. If you have children this can be especially difficult as it means finding someone to watch your kids while you go out.

Another disadvantage of taking a dance class is that some people would rather not have an audience while learning something new, especially an audience of strangers. If you are just starting out and are a bit shy, you may find it difficult to attempt new dance moves with people watching you.

Another way to learn to dance is by watching videos.

This method, as with taking a class, has some advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest advantage of learning to dance from a video is the scheduling flexibility. You can play your video whenever you have some spare time instead of having to follow a rigid class schedule. This is especially beneficial for people with children and people who work shift work.

Learning to dance from a video is also a very inexpensive way to do it.

After your initial purchase you can watch the videos over and over as many times as you want as opposed to having to keep paying for new classes.

Plus the videos can be your dance sequence "notes", whenever you forget about the steps or sequence or how to "move", you can play them anytime even weeks or months and years later.

Learning to dance in the comfort of your own home has an advantage over taking a class due to the fact that when you're at home by yourself or with your partner you are more relaxed because you're not worried about looking awkward or clumsy in front of strangers.

Being relaxed will help you master the steps far more quickly.

If you have a spouse, learning to dance from a video can be a fun and romantic way to connect with each other. Light some candles and spend some time just focusing on each other and on learning a new skill.

This is a huge advantage for parents because it can be done after the kids go to bed.

There are, of course, a couple of disadvantages to using a video.

You will miss out on the feedback you would get from a teacher.

One way to overcome this is to have your spouse or a friend watch you while you practice and compare you to the video so they can give you feedback.

You can also use a mirror to watch yourself while you learn.

Another disadvantage is the fact that you are missing out on the social aspect of dance.

If this is a concern, keep in mind that once you have mastered your moves, you can hit the dance clubs and meet all kinds of new people!

Deciding which method to use can be a bit difficult, but the easy decision to make is that YOU should learn to dance!

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING - where latest news are our top priority.

Mistakes Dancers Often Make

Dancing is Hazardous to your health!

With that said here are some things to watch out for. The mistakes dancers often make:

1. Dancers work under too much pressure and are overworked. Injuries can be prevented by allowing sufficient rest in your schedule to prevent fatigue. Appreciate rest and relaxation.

2. Dancers do not give enough consideration to their psychological needs alongside their physical ones. Dancers need to learn how to relax and pace themselves. Allow time for rest. Manage time and stress. Dance is very competitive and this leads to great stress. If tension is held in the body, flexibility may be affected unless counter measures are put into place. Know your physical and mental limitations. Know your boundaries. Know thyself!

3. Dancers do not pay enough attention to the flooring and space. You need to make the people hiring you be aware of the complications of working in detrimental space. Plus, they need to understand your needs and why you need specific things. They are not performers and therefor are not aware at all. To ask is not being demanding it is being realistic to your needs. This refers to everything from floors, staging, dressing rooms and rest rooms etc. Take control of your surroundings and your life.

4. Most dancers do not breathe properly. Dancers ar not generally known for their aerobic fitness. With insufficient oxygen in the lungs, lactic acid can accumulate causing fatigue or aching and cramping muscles. Good breathing techniques can aid in the proper execution of dance movements. It can add dynamics and a pleasing quality to the upper body. Remember even though you are a dancer, you are a person and people breathe. Breathing can also add the emotional context you are looking for. Breathe!

5. As a dancer you need to learn how to learn. You learn by following a series of steps. First you repeat movement taught in class. You repeat them technically correct. You then learn how to do the movements with a minimal amount of muscular contraction and tension to reproduce the movement required. You need to make the movement look easy. By eliminating excessive tension the movement becomes ingrained in the muscle memory. Rehearsals can be much more intense than actual performances. This is due to the constant repetition to do something better or to fix a movement that is not correct.

You need to be a quick study, not only to keep up in class and with other dancers but to avoid overuse injuries that a very common in professional dancers. Dancers must learn their own natural learning style and make use of all their senses. Visualization can also be a very useful skill. Strengthening exercises are very important before performances.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Take Your Dancing To New Heights Through Better Breathing

When learning to dance, first we concentrate on learning patterns, hearing the beat and maintaining communication with our partner. However, after we become familiar with the patterns we want to dance, are able to dance on beat, and are comfortable leading and/or following your partner, the next steps to mastership are actually less mechanical in nature.

Advanced concepts in dancing has more to do with attunement and flow of energy. We need to get our body in a receptive mode and the way to do that is through proper breathing.

The importance of proper breathing is prevalent in any skill we want to develop, whether playing the piano, martial arts or dancing. It helps you to relax and perform at a higher level.

Developing good breathing habits will not only improve your dance skills, but it will give you more stamina and control in any activity you choose.

The first thing we can do to improve our breathing is to become more aware of it. Start concentrating on the depth and rhythm of your breathing without trying to change it. Then, slowly increase the range of your inhalation and exhalation.

Also, proper posture improves our breathing naturally. Keep your shoulders back and your head straight allowing the chest to open up and your rip cage to expand and contract freely.

Here are three simple exercises to help you increase the range of your breathing.

(Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before doing these or any other exercises)


Seat on a chair with your spine straight

  • Put one hand on your abdomen and another one on your chest
  • Start inhaling slowly and feel your abdomen fill and expand then fill and expand the chest
  • Start exhaling slowly allowing the chest to contract and then contract the abdomen

Do not over strain the breathing, allow it to grow naturally.


When going for a walk you can use each step as a count.

  • Inhale during a count of four steps
  • Hold during a count of eight
  • Exhale during a count of twelve

Maintaining the same ratio, you can increase or reduce your breathing range to suit your comfort zone. You can reduce the numbers to 2, 4, 8 or you could increase them to 6, 12, 18.


Lay on your back and do some belly breathing. Let the air go directly to your abdomen area and expand it during inhalation and contract it during exhalation

  • Inhale during a count of four
  • Hold for two
  • Exhale during a count of four
  • Hold for two

When going to bed this exercise will help you relax and fall seep quickly.

A common thing we see in dancing is people not able to dance through a song or two without getting out of breath. These exercises will help you overcome that problem and allow you to take your dancing to new heights with proper breathing. So, next time you dance don't forget to breathe.

Happy Dancing,

Blanche & Emilio Librero

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BASED-BUSINESS - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Health Benefits of Dancing

The Benefits of Dancing

Dancing has countless benefits, both physical and mental.

Physically, dancing is excellent for nearly everyone. It is a great cardiovascular workout, which strengthens the heart and improves lung function.

A couple months of regular dancing and you'll not only help to extend your life span but you will likely find that you can walk farther distances and don't get tired climbing stairs any more.

Improved cardiovascular function also helps to lower cholesterol and helps to lower blood pressure.

The best part of improving your cardiovascular function is that it will help you to slow the aging process. Who wouldn't want that?

Dancing also helps to strengthen your muscles which is beneficial for a couple of reasons.

Strong muscles make you less prone to injury, and for women it can help avoid developing osteoporosis.

Improved flexibility and balance is another benefit of regular dancing. Improving flexibility is another way to avoid injury to joints. Improved balance helps to strengthen the nervous system.

And what is the benefit of dancing that tends to be everyone's favorite? The answer to that is simple - it makes you more attractive!

Think about it... you're burning calories and losing excess weight, you're toning your muscles, your core strength is improved so you're standing taller... you are getting better looking with every passing week that you are dancing regularly.

Over and above the physical benefits, there are emotional benefits that are just as important.

Many studies have shown that regular exercise stimulates brain chemicals that can leave you feeling more relaxed and happy.

For people who suffer from anxiety and depression disorders this is especially helpful as regular exercise helps to regulate the chemicals in the brain that help to avoid depression and anxiety.

Believe it or not, dancing even helps to improve your brain function. The act of using your brain to memorize the steps in a dance helps to stimulate your brain. This type of stimulation has been shown to help avoid deterioration of brain function as people age.

Dancing is almost guaranteed to boost your self esteem. You will be physically more attractive which will make you feel better about yourself, and you will have the sense of accomplishment that comes with learning a new skill.

Dancing is a social exercise, which means you will be either getting out and spending time connecting with your friends, or getting out and making new friends.

Having an active social life has been shown to result in people feeling generally happier and more satisfied with their life and their family.

If you have a spouse, dancing is a great way to connect with your partner.

The physical exercise combined with the sense of fun and adventure make it a great activity to do as a couple.

If you do not have a spouse, dancing is a great way to get out there and meet someone. There are lots of clubs and places where people gather to dance and it's a great place to meet someone with whom you already have something in common.

So in summary, this is an activity that will help you live longer, make you stronger, make you feel better about yourself and either help you connect with your partner or help you find a new partner.

How could anyone not love dance?

This news article is brought to you by YOUR LIFE YOUR CHOICES YOUR MIND - where latest news are our top priority.