Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zumba Shoes - Buying The Right Pair

When buying a pair of Zumba shoes it is important that you choose the right ones. Not everyone will choose the same pair of shoes for Zumba as some might have a high arch or flat feet so you see you must choose a shoe that is right for you. Below are a few things to take into account when choosing.

Zumba is usually a fast, high octane routine which is good for the cardio and vascular elements and which is very often fun to do, because of this you place a lot of pressure on your feet so you need to be sure that the shoes are not loose and fit correctly with good support. The sole of the shoe have a good grip of the floor enabling you to twist and turn with ease.

The Zumba Z1 Dance Shoe for example is a sturdy but light shoe that allows you to dance as often or as quick as you like but keeping just the right amount of support and cushioning makes Zumba enjoyable and a great way to keep fit.

The shoe should be of a high quality, flexibility and have a canvas upper, there are some good deals out there at the moment. The main features of a good Zumba shoe are detailed below for you to examine.

• It should have a special insole to provide better cushioning to enable you to do all the special dance steps while still enjoying yourself. These should be changed regularly to retain their cushioning.

• It should have enough shock absorption to allow you to jump and step out all you like.

• Some experts say that if you have a split sole it makes for easier to do the dance moves which in turn makes life a lot easier for you.

So that's about it really you must now make up your own mind, when you take your Zumba classes try to take into account all that you will need to make your Zumba class experience an enjoyable experience. Try to find a store which offers a discount or free delivery and returns just in case you order the wrong size and need to return them. Most of all try buy a pair that look nice, are a decent make and right for your budget to see you through your dance classes with no problems and which complete the dance moves easily.

This news article is brought to you by TAXES BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Willpower and Partner Dance - The Simple Key to Better Lessons and Learning Faster

Do you ever find your mind wondering in your dance class? You know you should pay attention, and after you notice that you're not focused you put the effort into concentrating. However, it's not long until all of a sudden you notice that your mind is wondering again. And then not long after that, you notice that you've actually missed something important, and you're just not getting as much out of the class as you could or should be. Chances are that you have noticed this with things other than dance, but dance actually lends itself to this phenomenon more than many other activities. Fortunately, once you understand why this is the case, it is incredibly easy to deal with. In this article I am going to explain why you are more likely to lose concentration in a dance class and what can be done about it.


Often, concentration in class comes down to willpower. You obviously enjoy dancing and you like seeing yourself improve. However, at times, when the instructor is explaining something you can feel like Charlie Brown talking to his teacher. You can hear that there is noise coming from their mouth, but it's just noise to you. This is normal. Whenever we need to be still and not active while another talks, our minds naturally wonder. It takes effort to keep this attention, and that means will power.

'So work on your will power' some will say. It's not that easy. An article in the January 2012 edition of New Scientist covered what was currently known about will power. The most interesting thing about it, I thought, is that will power actually uses energy. If you blood sugar levels are low, then we find it hard to maintain our will. This explains why some diets never work. You have little energy from not eating enough food, and this up quickly trying to maintain you will power to not give into the temptation of eating the food you love. Combine this with a diet and exercise regime, and you can see how failure is imminent. This is a slight digression, but it shows that will power (and concentration) very much needs energy.

Willpower and dance

Given that dance can be active it will burn some energy - energy that could be used to aide concentration. Think about when you have your dance lesson. It's probably later in the day. It is likely after work when you have already used up a lot of your energy reserves. So in a sense it is almost like your dance classes have been set up to make it hard for you to maintain the will to keep concentrating on the lesson. When you consider that it is just that, a lesson, then you realise that you might have an issue.

To improve your dance ability you are going to have to concentrate. You have probably already read about how dance is so good for us because it works both the body and the mind. As you now know, this is really going to use up your energy, and rob you of your ability to concentrate.

Maintaining your willpower

So you now know that you need to keep you willpower going if you're going to have effective dance lessons. You also know that the key to will power is energy. So the solution is obvious. You need an energy burst at the start of each lesson. I personally buy a hand full of Chupa Chups every now and then and have one before a lesson. Obviously, any lollipop will do - you just need something that will slowly release the sugar into your system during the class. If you want to be popular with other students or your teacher, then bring enough to share.

This news article is brought to you by GLOBAL WEATHER NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why Does Partner Dancing Feel Odd?

Have you ever thought that the way you're asked to move when learning partner feels odd? If you have then you're not alone. Many of us learning dance feel this way. At first, this might not seem like such a big deal. However, when we feel odd doing something, we are unlikely to keep doing it. This means that while we might dance well at first, we will soon regress to way of dancing that feel better, but aren't correct. Ideally, we want the correct way of dancing to feel like the natural way. In this article I will explain why partner dance can feel odd and what can be done to so that this will not adversely affect your dance ability.

A major part of the issue is body language. Many dance moves correspond to bold moves. Or perhaps other strong emotions. If you're not feeling those emotions, then there will be incongruence between what you're doing and feeling. This will definitely make you feel odd.

The other major part of the issue is that we're simply not used to the types of movement that are common to partner dance. This is a lot like when you first put on a pair of shoes and you notice that one is tighter than the other. It's also like when you wear a new watch or stop wearing a watch that you've been wearing for a long time. Another example that is perhaps more pertinent is that of people who still limp after having a hip replacement. The hip doesn't hurt, but they still limp. This isn't as common as it used to be because of better medical care, which in itself shows how hard it can be to change the way we move.

The solution to this issue is basically being aware of the issue. Once we know that feeling odd is OK, and not an indication that we are moving incorrectly, that feeling is less likely to affect the way we dance. Still, to be better partner dancers, we would rather it all feel natural.

The first step is to trust the teacher. When the teacher tells you that you're doing something right, then accept that it is right, no matter how it feels. The same goes for when they say it's not right and it still feels natural. You need to accept that your feel is not as good an indication of good couples dancing as is your teacher's observations.

The second step is to try to take on the emotions of the dance. It's always worth finding out what 'role' you're meant to play in a dance. Are you meant to be bold, submissive, aggressive or desired for example? If you try to take on this emotion, as opposed to whatever you happen to be feeling at the time, then your body language will fit with the dance moves.

The above two steps will do a lot to help. However, it sometimes helps to correlate the physical feeling with the looks. This is why dance studios often have mirrors. Put the effort into looking at yourself in the mirror when dancing or get a video of yourself when couples dancing. It will likely amaze you how different you look from how you thought you would look given how your body felt.

This news article is brought to you by GAMBLING TIPS, STRATEGIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Planning A Recital For Dance Classes? What Parents Need To Know Before The Big Day

Many children take dance lessons throughout the year in preparation of one big event -- the recital. However, the dancers can't do everything themselves and parent participation can be the difference between a successful recital and one that's full of chaos. If you're volunteering to help make sure the recital is a success, here are a few things that people who teach dance lessons want you to know.

Coordinate Costumes, Hair And Makeup For Students In Dance Classes

It's important that all the kids match each other for the recital. For many girls who take dance lessons, this means wearing the same costume, hairstyle and even makeup. While some parents might balk at the thought of their very young girls wearing makeup, it's actually important when they're on stage and under the bright lights. The makeup helps highlight eyes and facial expressions while the kids are performing on stage and these facial expressions can be an essential part of the dance. Additionally, if the teachers have requested a certain hairstyle, bow or other headpiece, take the time to make sure each dancer has their hair properly styled. Some parents get together and appoint one person in charge of hair and makeup to make sure the children are all coordinated.

Bring Extra Tights, Just In Case

Tights are some of the most fragile pieces of dancewear that students need. They can rip, run or tear easily and it's not uncommon for dancers to go through more than one pair of tights during a dress rehearsal and recital. If you can, consider packing an extra two or three pairs into the costume bag just in case. Ask if the instructors prefer matte or shiny tights and take care to purchase the right ones. The different materials can look drastically different under the bright stage lights and this can be a big distraction for people in the audience.

Ask Whether Photography Is Allowed

Many recitals, whether they're for a ballet class or another type of dance lessons, don't allow parents to take photos during the recital. If your child's instructor has asked you not to take photos, there's a good reason. The flash can distract the students as they're dancing and it can be distracting for other parents who are trying to watch their own children.

As a compromise, many studios hire a professional videographer to make a DVD of the performance so parents have the option of purchasing a professionally recording of the performance. Others will allow parents to take photos or videos during the dress rehearsal or even during one of the regular dance lessons.

Whether your child has been taking dance classes for years or they're in their first ballet class, the recital is a celebration of a year's worth of hard work. To help make the event a successful one, ask the instructor what you can do to help. If you can, use these tips. You might be surprised at how thankful your child's teacher will be.

This news article is brought to you by HOME-BREWING - where latest news are our top priority.

Immersion for Better Musicality in Couples Dancing


When you start partner dancing you might find that one of you major issues is timing. This is obviously essential. If you can't dance in time or start on the right beat, then all the other skill counts for little. On the other hand, you might know how to keep time, but you have no real connection with the music. That means that no matter what music is playing you still use the same typical steps (if you're a lead) or you use the same technique and style (if you're a lead or a follow). This higher level of musicality is essential if you want to take your couples dancing to an intermediate or higher level or if you want more connection in your dance. It also helps to make your dancing more natural. So no matter the level of your partner dancing learning, you can probably improve your dance by improving your musicality, This article will explain why you might be having issues and then talk about how you can use immersion to improve it.

Why we have troubles

There are a collection of reasons why you are not that good with music that people dance to. It is possible that a number of them affect you.

· Never really taught about music - if you're like me, then you never really paid attention in music class while at school. All the basics of music are typically taught to us when we are children, but that doesn't mean that we were good students.

· Listen more to lyrics than music - this is probably the one that you are most likely to notice. Most people tend to listen to the lyrics in popular songs. In popular music, the lyrics can come in at different types, it can pause and it can hold. All while the music itself continues at its steady beat. If you tent to follow the lyrics, then you will not be able to dance in time.

· Listen to a certain type of music - you probably have a fairly good intuitive understanding of music because you have been listening to it for most of your life. However, you have been listening to the type of music that you like. This is probably popular music. The music used for partner dance is different, especially salsa music, which has a pattern that goes over two bars, and waltz, which has three beats to the bar instead of the more common 4.

Immersion method

The immersion method assumes that you have been listening to music, and have the basics within you, and all you need to do is focus on the applicable aspects of the right type of music. It does also assume that you know the basics of what makes up a bar so if you're familiar with the basic of music (beats, bars and such), then read about them first.

Once you know the basics, select music that you will be dancing to (try to get a good number of songs in the style that interest you). Also make sure that it is music that you know something about. You want to know its beats per minute and the number of beats in a bar. This will help you to ensure that you're listening correctly later on.

Now you simply listen to the music. For a long time. The longer the better. While you're working, when you're in the car, whenever you can. This is why you want a good number of songs.

If you need to learn to count music, then you will need to listen a bit more intently. You need to try finding the patterns in the music, pick the times when each bar starts, then try counting the beats in the bars. If you think you have it, then count the beats for a period of 15 seconds. Multiply this by 4 and see if it matches the beats per minute of the music. This is why it helps to know the BPM of the songs you listen to. Note: some songs are described by the bars per minute and not the beats per minute.

If you can count, but need to work on the expression of the music, then listen to the music in a less intense manner. Focus more on how you feel when you listen to the music. Then think about the way you would dance to express this feeling.

To help take you musicality a bit further the next step is to break it down. Try to listen for each instrument. This will help you become more attune to the subtleties of the music. As you become better at it you will notice how some instruments only come in at certain times. Try imagining what you would do at each time those instruments can be heard. This will help you dance in a way that is connected to the music.

Expected progress

I have said that you need to listen for a long time, but you're probably wondering what that is. As a guide, it can take around 8 hours to be able to count the beats and note the start of each bar. However, you can always get better at being able to hear the instruments. Remember, it takes time and effort to develop this ability, and you should view this as an ongoing process. However, never force it, you want to put the effort in by spending time listening and immersing yourself, but you do need to let the feelings come from within to respond well to the music while dancing.

Final note

Some people have good musicality because they have a lot of practice. Think about musical families; you probably think that it must be genetic. However, if you were raised in a musical family, then just imagine how much practice you would get in and how much better your musicality would be. This means that is all comes down to the effort, and that you can have good musicality too. You just need to put the time in.

Some Unusual Date Ideas

Are you fed up with taking your date to the same places? There gets a time when you want to go somewhere different on your date, whether it's a first date or not. Over time you can get bored of going to the same restaurants and bars, which can have an impact on the successfulness of the date. It's not just who you're with that affects the date, where you go and what you do also plays a huge part. Why not try something more exciting? That doesn't necessarily mean more expensive; you can still do something more unusual without overspending. All you need is a great idea and some preparation.

Before you decide what to do, it helps if you know a bit about your date. That way you can judge if you think they'll like your idea. If you don't want to start out too adventurous why not arrange a day at the zoo or aquarium. Walking around talking about the animals ensures you won't run out of things to say. If the weather is nice you could always plan a day at the beach. Lying on the beach listening to the waves, having a picnic and eating an ice cream can be very relaxing. A day at your local park can be just as relaxing too. Why not take some card games with you to enjoy together while you're there or you could even take some roller skates or a kite. These are great ways to behave like a kid again and really enjoy yourself.

If you want to be more creative, you could suggest an art class. There's nothing stopping you going to the countryside with your paper and pencils and sketching the scenery. You could even try drawing each other. Even if art isn't your speciality, you can have fun doing it, plus you'll have a souvenir of the date.

An evening at a comedy club or seeing a musical are great alternatives to the cinema. Laughter is a great way to break the ice, especially on a first date, so a comedy club is a good idea if you're feeling a bit apprehensive. If those ideas don't appeal to you, you could visit to a planetarium or perhaps the circus. These will certainly give you something to discuss afterwards and will be a date you won't forget in a hurry.

If you wanted your date to be more physical, why not try indoor rock climbing, go karting, paint-balling or even white water rafting? These are quite adventurous ideas, so it might help if you know how your date would feel about these before you make any arrangements.

If you want to plan something unique, why not arrange a hot air balloon ride. It's not the cheapest date idea, but it's certainly unusual and very romantic. Unless your date is petrified of heights, it will be a date to remember.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.